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Las Dueñas Cafe - Organic Guatemala.

Las Dueñas Cafe - Organic Guatemala.

Regular price $18.00 CAD
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Welcome to this wonderful, organic, Guatemalan coffee.

This coffee is a dream to me. Its come at a time where I was thinking I may have had no idea what I was doing and was at a low in terms of thinking I had no idea what I was doing in Coffee. I was self conscious about my brewing techniques, and struggling with the business. Enter this coffee. From the first roast I could tell this was something I'd been looking for with all my previous coffees that I never attained. This is mostly because those coffees present differently.

That said, I've been looking for something fruity and juicy since I started the company back in 2022. This is my favourite coffee to date. This is something I would have been shocked and over joyed to buy off the shelf from other specialty coffee roasters. I think it's beautifully smooth and sweet, with that hint of cherry tartness that's really refreshing.

I hope you'll all love this coffee as much as I do. 

Flavor Notes: Cherry Juice, Light, Juicy, Tart, Sweet. Drinking this in the morning is like having a cup of cherry juice. Its tart and sweet, bright, and is a nice kick the start the day.

Farm: 182 Women - ASOBAGRI

Region: Santa Cruz Barillas, Huehuetenango, Guatemala

Alt: 1400-1650 masl

Harvest: Feb - April 2024

Importer: Royal Coffee

Roaster: Wandering Prophet Coffee

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